Kit screws for wind deflector
for GS-wind deflector (4663902)
Part list see "more info"
Kit screws for wind deflectorfor GS-wind deflector (4663902)compare part numbers - 01299796991 07119919801 07119920057 07119931030 07119931044
07119964653 (4663912 / 46632303924 NOT included ) 62212303895 62212303968
01-29-9-796-991 07-11-9-919-801 07-11-9-920-057 07-11-9-931-030 07-11-9-931-044 07-11-9-964-
653 (NOT : 46-63-2-303-924) 62-21-2-303-895 62-21-2-303-968
Wind deflector
R2V-models G/S and GS up to 1990 and R 80 GS Basic
Fits for headlight diameters of up to 170mm.
please add mounting kit art. 4663911 compare: 46632303902 / 46-63-2-303-902
BMW R 65GS, R 80G/S, R 80G/S PD & Paralever (* - 9/90) R 80GS, R 100GS, R 80GS...