Spark plug Bosch WR7DC+ (formerly W7DC)
Spare part for the classic BMW two-valve boxer models
R 45, R 80, R 80/7, R 80RT
R 65GS, R 80G/S, R 80ST
Paralever models R 80GS, R 100GS, R 80GS Basic, R 80R, R 100R, R 80R Mystic, R 100R Mystic
Monolever models R 65, R 80, R 100RS, R 100RT
BMW R 2V model series: R 80 (-1984), R 45 (-1984), R 65 Mono (1985- ), R 80 Mono (1985- ), R 100 RS/RT Mono (1987- ), R 65GS (1987-1992), R 80 G/S,ST (1980-1987), R 80GS (1987-1996), R 100GS (1987-1996), R 80R (1991-1995), R 100R (1991-1995)
Compare: 12121267485 / 12-12-1-267-485
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