適合車種: 2バルブボクサーモデル 9/1978-*
BMW純正部品: 11311338185 / 11-31-1-338-185のリプレース用社外品です。
BMW R 80/7, R 80RT, R 80, R 100/7, R 100S, R 100RS, R 100RT, R 100CS, R 45, R 65, R 65LS, R 80G/S, R 80ST, R 65GS
Paralever R 80GS, R 100GS, R 80GS PD, R 100GS PD, R 80R, R 80R Mystic, R 100R, R 100RMystic
Monolever R 65, R 80, R 80RT, R 100RS, R 100RT
Duplex timing chain with chain link
/5 to /7 models
Piston ring set (for one piston)
R80 models
Only for modells...